London Wine Week Competition 1
Many of you will be aware that in less than 2 weeks, London Wine Week kicks-off. A one week event in London which will bring together wine lovers, some lovely wines and some amazing venues.
Given that we are less than 2 weeks away from London Wine Week starting, we’ve jointly decided to run a series of competitions between now and then .
The prize for each competition will be a different bottle of wine. The wine has been very kindly donated by the lovely chaps over at Laithwaite’s Wine at The Arch
In order to win, it’s very very simple. All you have to do is tweet your best #7wwr (#7wordwinereview) to @LDNWineWeek. Competition closes at 9pm after which time they will be announcing the winner!!
(if you are new to the #7wwr (#7wordwinereview) it’s all very simple. Drink some wine, take a picture, and upload it to twitter with your favourite 7 words followed by the above ‘#’)
Remember all participants must be UK based…
Good luck and stay tuned for many many more competitions with London Wine Week.